ends in 查询结果如下:
释义:to have a certain result at the end of something

His efforts ended in failure.


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The battle ended in a victory / in everyone going home.


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The game ended in a tie.


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The game ended in a tie, 2-2.


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Our attempts ended in failure.


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The election ended in a tie.


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The show of Chinese paintings will end in two days’ time.


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The game ended in a tie.


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The boys’ dispute ended in a fight.


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The disorderly mobs fought against their own men and at last ended in common ruins.


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The boys’ dispute ended in a fight.


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The enemy ended in defeat in that campaign.


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The garment store they built up painstakingly also ended in failure.


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The game ended in a draw.


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The meeting ended in clamor.


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The war ended in 1975.


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They will follow that path all the way to where it ends in history’s unmarked grave of discarded lies


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Indeed, every round of struggle ended in victory for China, filling its fifty-year diplomatic history with thrilling Break-throughs


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The minimum mesh size of the trawl cod-end in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea


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The party was a fiasco [ended in fiasco].


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The meeting ended in an uproar.


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The football match ended in a 1-1 draw.


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My endeavors to bring about a settlement were ended in vain.


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It ended in a failure.


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I had a hunch that the plan would end in success.


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Her only venture as a writer ended in failure; no one would print her book.


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The meeting ended in chaos when demonstrators threw tomatoes at the speakers.


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A trip to London ended in tragedy for a local couple when they were involved in a car crash.


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Their holiday ended in tragedy when their hotel caught fire.


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An expedition that ended in tragedy, with all hands lost at sea.


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World War Ⅱ ended in 1945.


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I had a hunch that the plan would end in success.


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The marriage ended in a legal shootout.


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All these attempts will undoubtedly end in failure.


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The enemy’s plot ended in a fiasco.


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Any of various small,thickset rodents,especially of the genus Lemmus,inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning.


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A verse form usually consisting of three stanzas of eight or ten lines each along with a brief envoy,with all three stanzas and the envoy ending in the same one-line refrain.


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A water pipe that consists of a bottle or a vertical tube partially filled with liquid and a smaller tube ending in a bowl, used often in smoking narcotic substances.


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In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in a’.


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Cars with license plates ending in even numbers must go in this way


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The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England


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But simple on-screen menus also allow further searches to be carried out for phrases, variant forms, phonetics (for example, find words which rhyme with “equal”), parts of speech (for example, adverbs that don’t end in-ly), or by date


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This end, in his opinion, justified the employment of means which might easily be considered reprehensible from a purely moral point of view


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New moves to settle the disagreement between the workers and employers have ended in failure.


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A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.


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Their attempts to make public disorder ended in fiasco.


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The wicked magician imprecated a curse on the young princess that her future would end in sorrow.


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Ending in a syntactic and rhythmic pause.Used of a line of verse or a couplet.


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Will the balance of terror ever end?Will it end in a balance free from terror,or a terror lacking all balance(Edward Teller)


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Will the balance of terror ever end?Will it end in a balance free from terror,or a terror lacking all balance(bEdward Teller)


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There are two issues with biodegradable plastic:There’s no guarantee that it will degrade faster, especially if it ends up in landfill or ingested by wildlifeIndividuals are more willing to litter biodegradable plastic products

可生物降解塑料有两个问题: 第一是目前还不能保证它能快速降解,特别是如果它最终被填埋或被野生动物吞食后。 第二是人们更喜欢乱丢可生物降解的塑料制品。

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Another Fake News story out there - It never ends! Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem!

另一种假新闻故事又出来了 - 永远没完没了!事实上,只要我在电话里与外国领导人说个话,据我所知,就可能有很多人从不同的美国政府机构在听,更不用说那些来自其他国家的。不过没关系!

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Wow! A federal Judge in the Southern District of N.Y. completely dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Democratic National Committee against our historic 2016 campaign for President. The Judge said the DNC case was “entirely divorced” from the facts, yet another total & complet vindication & exoneration from the Russian, WikiLeaks and every other form of HOAX perpetrated by the DNC, Radical Democrats and others. This is really big “stuff” especially coming from a highly respected judge who was appointed by President Clinton. The Witch Hunt Ends!


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U.S. airlines will have their work cut out for them trying to coax frightened travelers back onto Boeing’s 737 Max once a worldwide grounding ends

一旦全球停飞结束,美国航空公司将为他们的工作做好准备,试图将受惊的旅行者哄回波音737 Max

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Uber will be the focus of fresh research reports on Tuesday after the quiet period ends for the 29 investment banks that underwrote its IPO


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In a precarious and/or desperate situation. The phrase was originally used to describe the tilted position of a ship before it capsizes. Tell me the truth, doc—am I on my beam-ends, or do I still have treatment options available?My sister’s on her beam-ends now that she’s lost her job—I might have to lend her some money so she doesn’t lose her house.on (sbs) beam-ends

在一个危险且/或令人绝望的境地。这个短语最初是用来描述船只倾覆前的倾斜姿态。实话告诉我,医生-我快不行了吗?还是说我还有其他治疗方案可以选择?我妹妹现在失业了,生活很窘迫。可能我得借给她一些钱,这样她能保住她的房子。(形容人)十分窘迫, 计穷智尽,山穷水尽

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Double-Upload is in effect! Your upload will be credited 2X for all seeding you do. Ends June 30th, so get seeding.


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Never forklift or crane an entire machine under booms,always lift beneath the spine or under the ends of the axle mountings in the case of a self-propelled unit.


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To the accomplishment of the foregoing and the related ends, the invention comprises the features hereinafter fully described in the specification and particularly pointed out in the claims.


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Can’t Get Enough Sleep? Try Banana Tea
It is no news that a lot of people are suffering from insomnia and getting any kind of sleep has become a big deal to them. It must really be hard on them to be sincere. After going through all the non-stop actions at the various places of work, the right thing for a healthy living is to get home, take a few bites of your favorite meal for dinner and get on the bed and doze off, until the next morning. When this is not the case for anyone, it could be hard...


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1.A focus on the end goal or desired outcome. I don’t take these personnel decisions lightly—they are all made with the end in view.
Although working on my thesis was overwhelming, I tried to keep the end in view and envisioned holding my degree.

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。